What are the Most Common Interior Painting Problems?

The interior can be painted in a number of ways. Some paint problems are noticeable immediately, others over time. You can avoid many of these issues by taking preventative steps before you start painting. Below are several of the most frequent problems with residential painting solutions or prevention.

Often, two surfaces painted together will become stuck. This is what we call ‘blocking.’ For instance, a jamb on a front door can get stuck to it. This is because paint did not dry thoroughly before the doors or windows closed. It could also result from using inferior gloss paint or semi-gloss. Use a superior grade of acrylic gloss latex paint. Low-grade acrylic paints, in particular when it is humid, do not resist blocking.

This is what happens when you repeatedly brush and rub the painted surface. Burnishing can cause a shiny or high shine. The flat paint on areas where there is a lot of traffic may be so rubbed that a dull surface turns shiny. The burnishing process can be caused by a high amount of spot cleaning. Furniture rubbing on a paint surface will produce shiny surfaces. It is possible that the paint was not scrub- or stain-resistant.

The paint used on painted surfaces such as trim, doors, window sills or other areas are more likely to be damaged by excessive cleaning. A gloss or semigloss paint is better for areas where there’s a lot traffic or high usage. These are also the places that require frequent cleaning. They can be easily cleaned using a soft cloth or sponge and non-abrasive cleaner. Rinsing the wash area with clear water will help to avoid the burnishing.

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